Monday, 26 January 2009

Contingency Plan..

To be extra prepared before our filming, we have constructed a contingency plan in case any matters arise during the filming process...

Weather - In the case of bad weather, we have allocated both Tuesday and Wednesday for the filming in the graveyard. This is due to the fact that it is our only outside filming location and so if it rains or there is severe wind,etc on one of the days, then at least we will have the other day to rely on. If in the case of it is bad weather on both of these days, we have decided to film early on in the week and so if it comes to it, we will be able to film on the Friday or on the following Monday.

Power - In the case of our video tape running out of space, we will carry a spare tape. We will also carry a spare battery and a battery charger in case we lose power and so it won't prevent us filming.

Props - In the case of anything getting lost or broken or if something wouldn't work we carried a spare coat as it was an essential part of the costume. As well as this, we had a back-up t.v in the musical theatre office which we had previously asked permission to use in the case of the initial t.v we was going to use did not work.

Booking Studio - Before filming, we made sure that we booked a slot to film in the t.v studio on the Thursday morning. This was so that we knew for sure that we could use the space officially and that nobody else would be in there, giving us more space to work.

Recording Extra - To ensure that we had enough footage to play around with, we recorded many different shots from different angles so that when editing we could choose the shots that worked best with each other. It also meant that we were 'safer' in terms of the fact that we could have a bigger selection of clips to use so that continuity was likely to be more accurate.


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